Learn Crystals

 Agate: - Soothing Stone 

- Eliminates & transform negative energies.

- Improve concentration & enhance mental function

What is Agate ?

Agate is formed from microscopic crystals of quartz laid down in bands, this is a very stable crystal. Agates are grounding stones, bringing about an emotional. physical, and intellectual balance. They aid in centring and stabilising physical energy.

What is agate good for? Agate properties?

Agate has the power to harmonize yin and yang, the positive and negative forces that hold the universe in place. A soothing and calming stone, Agate works slowly but brings great strength. Its multiple layers can bring hidden information to life. 

Psychotically, Agate gently facilitates acceptance of one's self. This build confidence. It aids self-analysis and perception of hidden circumstances, bringing to your attention any situation that is interfering with your well being. 



AmethystAmethyst - Stone of Spirituality 
- Dissolves negativity
- Alleviates sadness and grief.
- Protect from negativity.
What is Amethyst?
Amethyst is a variety of Quartz which occurs either in crystalline form. The associated colour ranges from deep purple to pale lavender, Pink and Black. 
Why Amethyst is Purple?
The presence of manganese in clear quartz produces amethyst, and additional amount of Iron mineral vary the purple colouration. 
Main Localities: Brazil, Uruguay, India, Siberia, Africa, Mexico, Namibia and Bolivia.
Properties of Amethyst: Being excellent in conducting the energy of calm and peacefulness to help one to both enter and maintain the state. Amethyst balances the energies of the intellectual, emotional and physical bodies and provides a clear connection between the Earth plane and the other worlds. It clears the aura and stabilizes and transmutes any dysfunctional energy located within ones body. Amethyst also give stability, strength and peace. 
Amethyst helps in controlling temperament by imparting a soothing, calming and tranquilizing influence, while clearing-away unproductive and unkind vibrations.


Apophyllite Cluster

 Apophyllite- The Stone of Truth 

- Soothing

- Peace

- Helps overcome fear & anxiety

What is Apophyllite and it's formation: Apophyllite crystallizes as pseudo-cubic crystals, granular masses, natural pyramidal structures, and as druze upon another mineral. The select grade of Apophyllite has been found in Pune, India, primarily, in green, white and clear/colourless forms. The colour ranges from transparent to opaque white, greenish, yellowish, rose-red tint, these is also some new apophyllite which is black, dark brown, Red due to Iron Oxide inclusions (possibly Hematite). It was named for the Greek words meaning 'get' and 'leaf', due to its tendency to exfoliate when heated. 

Uses and properties of Apophyllite: Apophyllite has been used to create a conscious connection between the physical form and the spiritual realm. It allows one to both recognise and act upon the truth in all situations. It also enhances mindful analysis, tinged and universal love, and helps one to realize that the state of perfection is the natural state of being. 

Apophyllite also produces a reflective aspect to allow for the recognition of ones behaviour/attitudes and to encourage one to seek, to recognize, and to correct deficiencies, while providing for an energy gain during these times. 

Apophyllite is an excellent Mineral for providing protection from fire. 


 Quartz - Stone of Clarity

- Harmony 

- Clairty

- Healing

Himalayan Quartz Cluster

 What is Quartz? Quartz as silicon dioxide, crystallizes in the form of transparent to translucent to opaque masses, grains, druzes and prismatic hexagonal crystals. The name "Quartz" was originally spelled "Quertz"  and was named for the Saxon word "cross-vein ore". It has also been known as "Rock Crystal" due to its hardness 7. Most people call Quartz with the name "Crystal".

Properties and Uses of Quartz: Quartz has both piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties, the polarity of the quartz crystal will change when it is either subjected to pressure or heat, as well as when it is held in the hand.

The natural tendency of Quartz is for harmony, and it is recognised as a "stone of power". It can be used to dispel static electricity and can provide for conversation and re-direction of the energy towards a beneficial state. It produces a naturally balanced, solid-state energy field, modifying the energy available in accordance with the understanding of the user.

Quartz can be used to amplify energy both body energy and thoughts. It can assist in the creation of power and can provide for clarity in thinking to enable thoughts to more effectively influence matter.

Quartz is said to bring the energy of stars into the soul. Traditionally, natural quartz was said to both harmonize and align hum energies- thoughts, consciousness, emotions- with the energy of the universe and to make these greater energies available to humanity.
